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Every dog will have its day!

We’re very excited that our long- anticipated plans for our new venture at Bath Country Pets- a special place where dogs can enjoy a safe and happy day out or a longer holiday in the country – have now become a reality.

So, we thought we would give our lovely existing customers, and those who might consider taking advantage of our provision of day-care and longer stays for their pets in the future, an idea of the facilities we can now offer and our commitment to the welfare of all our four-legged guests.


Firstly, we recognise that all owners and their pets are different, with their own needs and preferences, and so each client and their dog will be treated as an individual. We will therefore start with a pre-stay chat with the owner, so we can get to know both them and their pet as well as possible, to make sure their dog enjoys a carefree and happy stay. We’ll cover things like the dog’s average day at home, their routine, what toys and games they enjoy, how they integrate with other dogs, what they like to eat and how often, and if they have any little habits, good and bad, that we should be aware of.

We know that dogs like routine, so each day will be fairly structured and might involve something like the following itinerary:

7.30am Dogs are let out for an early morning stretch and to answer the call of nature in the dog hotel courtyard or garden.

8.15am Breakfast time, with food of very best quality and tailored to individual needs and requirements with low fat, senior, high energy or options for sensitive tummies or skin.

09.30am Preparations for an off-site excursion to one of our favourite walks around Castle Combe, Westonbirt Arboretum, the Badminton Estate, Lucknam Park or Nettleton. There is no shortage of wonderful and varied walks that dogs will love in our area of the Cotswolds. We’ll even make trips to the seaside out of season. Of course walks will be structured to suit the dog’s size, age, breed and energy levels with off-lead or long-lead options, where safe and practicable.

1.00pm Back home for a quick bath and towel-down, if needed, and a rest in the drying room with its heated floor.

2.00pm Treats and chews will then be distributed and these will be of the highest quality, like the ones we stock in our Country Store – made by Innocent Hound, Yakers, Bark Bites and Forthglade, all of which are detailed on our website.

3.00pm The toy basket will be available in the lounge area. In colder weather, the wood burner will be lit and there will always be plenty of beds, cushions and blankets to give the dogs plenty of opportunity to relax, dogs can wander around the kitchen and office and keep the humans company!

4.00pm will signal a time for outside play in our extensive grounds.

5.00pm The dogs’ evening meal will be served, followed by a rest.

8.00pm A pre-bedtime walk will close the day with lights out at 9pm.

We love dogs (we’ve five of our own) and our aim is to give your dog a wonderful time when they come to stay with us. Whether they’re at Bath Country Pets just for the day while you’re out at work or for a longer stay when you’re away from home on holiday yourself, your dogs will be handed back to you having enjoyed a happy vacation, lots of fresh air and fun. We’ll even send you “holiday snaps” of them. Refreshed, well cared for, well fed, exercised and groomed, they’ll no doubt be delighted to be reunited with you on your return.

We’re sure that although they’ll be happy to see you, they will be equally enthusiastic to make a return visit when you next need us to care for them in your absence- just look out for that wagging tail!

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